Hi. I'm Sage, standing at the Step Pyramid in Sakkara Egypt with the Magus, the 1st card of the Egyptian Tarot major arcana.

Linked below are all 22 of the Egyptian Tarot deck's major arcana, the cards holding sacred wisdom from ancient times. These images were used in the Ancient Mystery Schools Egypt is famous for, and they were placed onto cards for teaching purposes. You can read through these in order, or just check out the cards that interest you. Since the numbering of the cards in the deck seems to be part of the ancient revelation, it may be best to view them in order, but who knows? We study these things to understand more about this wisdom from the past. If we knew it all we would have no need to study these. So let the ΑΩ of Providence guide you...

The Tarot Deck's Major Arcana

The Origin of the Tarot Images

The Great Pyramid, the Road to Life

Get in touch at tarotexplained@gmail.com