1. The Magus

The Magus is a master.

Can you be like him?

1. Magus. The finger of the magician, the master of understanding, the controlled self, is pointing downward. His staff of life, with the circle at the top, symbolizing eternal life, is pointing upward. The cubic stone, and the items on it, the sword, the coin, and the urn are representative of the various elements of the material world which the magus realizes are only valuable insofar as they are means to noble and holy ends. The magus has power over money, over power and over refreshments. They do not control him. The star overhead indicates the magus is aware of divine signs and influences.

Perhaps the single greatest symbol associated with the magus is the belt he wears, which is a snake circling his waist, biting his own tail. The purity of the magus is built on the clarity of his understanding that evil destroys itself. His supreme self-control is anchored in this understanding. God is pure, God is love, there is no evil in Him. Magus knows this, and works with it as his badge of truth.

One does not need to resort to evil methods to fight evil. The end does not justify the means. Evil always, eventually, destroys itself. Only purity ultimately expands and prospers, in the long run.

Though of the earth, the magus is assured of eternal life.

Not everybody is a Magus. Watch out...

The Tarot: Origin

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